Getting started with Helix

Last Updated ·
September 18, 2024

What's in the box?

Your first Converge Helix delivery will include a Helix hub, Helix node(s) and tail(s). 


This connects to the network and sends data to the Converge platform. It communicates with nodes over long distances using LoRaWAN.


This collects data from your tail and sends it to the hub.


This is embedded into your concrete and monitors temperature.

Out of the box

Register your Helix Hub:

1. Download the ConcreteDNA mobile app from the App Store or Google Play and log into your Converge account.

2. Register the hub to your site through the Inventory using the ConcreteDNA App.

3. Scan the QR code on the hub and complete registration. Scan all of the hubs that you have on your site.

4. Remove the hub from your site if you wish to reuse it on a new site.

Assemble and install your Helix Hub

1. Screw the antenna to the hub.

2. Plug the power cable into a power supply.

3. Check that the light turns solid green. Both antenna and power cables should be secured with the hub lid closed.

4. Screw the mounting brackets to the hub.

5. Fasten the antenna mounting bracket to the antenna.

6. Secure the hub vertically as high as possible on fences or posts with the screws that are provided or zip ties.

Your first pour:

Register your Helix Tail

Single probe Helix tail pictured

1. Create a pour in the ConcreteDNA App.

2. Secure tail to node by aligning the red dots on the connector.

3. Register tail in the ConcreteDNA App.

4. Scan tail when prompted by the app.

5. Press the button for 5 seconds: the first press will be green (joined network), future presses will be blue (data sent).

6. Refresh App to see data.

Install for first pour

Helix node with mounting points pictured

1. For best practice, use the mounting points on the node to install it near your monitoring location.

2. Attach the probe to rebar using zip ties ensuring the probe does not touch the reinforcement.

Viewing the status

1. Navigate to the Inventory tab in the mobile app to view the status of your hub and nodes.

2. Hubs and nodes will present as either Online or Offline.

3. Nodes will also display pour name, tail name, and last data update time.

4. To navigate to the temperature and strength data for that last tail, simply tap on the relevant node.

How to reuse your Helix Node

When a pour is complete and it no longer needs to be monitored:

1. Remove the tail from the node. Simply pinch and pull the connector (no need to twist).

2. Cut the tail at desired length.

3. Put the node into Sleep mode by fast pressing the push button 5 times (to conserve battery).

How do I manage my Helix hub?
How do I register my Helix tail?
Helix Tail FAQ & Troubleshooting
Helix Hub FAQ & Troubleshooting
Helix Node FAQ & Troubleshooting


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